We're getting closer to July and the beginning work of our UMC Church Plant in Krum, TX. I want to thank you for being a part of this journey with us, with your prayers, presence, and gifts. It's truly wonderful to be a part of this connection!
One of the questions I've gotten since announcing my appointment is, “What about the UMC in Krum, now?” Followed by, “Has it closed? … Did it disaffiliate (leave the United Methodist Church)?”
It definitely did not disaffiliate, and it hasn't closed … exactly. The story of the United Methodist Church in Krum is a traditional story of a church in decline, with one major caveat: when the church needed help, and didn't want to shut down, the people asked for help. Which enabled the North Texas Conference to come in and lead them over the last year into changing directions, opening a remnant up to supporting a new church start in the building that they built just a few years ago.
My family and I had a chance to meet the saints of the church in Krum a few weeks ago, as well as their interim pastor, Rev. Buster Noah of Blue Mound UMC, and I was overjoyed to meet a small group of folks who have dedicated themselves to focusing on the future, willing to hand over some authority in faith, that the vast number of new people have moved into Krum might be able to find a new church home to meet the needs of this day and age. I am humbled to work with these people to reach new people for Jesus through a new community. God is up to something in Krum and we're going to get out and find out what that is!
In Christ,
“…God is rich in mercy. He brought us to life with Christ while we were dead as a result of those things that we did wrong. He did this because of the great love that he has for us. You are saved by God’s grace! And God raised us up and seated us in the heavens with Christ Jesus. God did this to show future generations the greatness of his grace by the goodness that God has shown us in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-7 [CEB]
Becky Johnston, Krum UMC Council Member, and I at the North Texas Conference Transition Seminar a couple of weeks ago. I'm so thankful for the faithful folks in Krum that are catching the vision for a new UMC in their town!
The Center for Church Development is helping us getting started with a matching grant that will give us $2 for every $3 we raise (up to $30,000). That means, every $3 you give turns into $5. Your gift now, if you can, will help us to start our ministry in Krum on a firm foundation. Click the button below to give through the donation portal of the North Texas Conference. On the ‘church donation’ line, you can put your amount, and type in KRUM in the field next to it.