This worship series is one of a set written from mid-Summer to the end of RCL Year C in November. Notes are sparse, but I'm hopeful that it's helpful to pastors during a season of the year that can be ... Dry. Ordinary time, which we are in the midst of, can be a time of rich teaching and following specific narratives in the Bible.
This series follows the Gospel of Luke stream in the Revised Common Lectionary for six weeks, beginning on July10. In each of the readings given, Jesus is answering questions, telling stories, demonstrating what the Kingdom of God is like and offering the welcome to that Kingdom that only Jesus can give.
Ask the question: what is the hospitality of Jesus like?
It should lead to another: do I (pastor and church) offer hospitality like Jesus in my life?
The Hospitality of Jesus
July 10 (Eighth Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: What must we do?
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 10:25-37
Secondary: Col 1:1-14
The Good Samaritan ... Jesus expects us to welcome the 'other.'
July 17 (Ninth Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: Listen and Learn
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 10:38-42
Secondary: Col 1:15-20
Mary and Martha - are we just preparing to meet Jesus? Or do we expect a visit to actually happen?
July 24 (Tenth Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: What are you asking for?
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 11:1-13
Secondary: Col 2:6-9
Jesus, himself teaches us to pray! And reminds us that God is always available.
July 31 (Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: True Abundance
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 12:13-21
Secondary: Psalm 107:1-9
On building bigger barns ... Now, where do I store my treasure?
August 7 (Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: Always Ready
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 12:32-40
Secondary: Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23
Are you ready to greet the Messiah? Or do you cower in fear?
Who does your heart belong to?
August 14 (Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost)
Sermon Title: What Christ Offers
Scripture Lessons
Primary: Luke 12:49-56
Secondary: Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19
What does it actually mean for us to follow Christ? It may not be pretty, but it’s worth it.