Give Up the Enemies Within for Lent

This season of Lent, my congregation is taking on the study Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James W. Moore.  The focus of this Lenten study is very practical.  Rather than giving up stuff that you like (chocolate, cokes and the like), why not give up something that's actually causing a problem for you?  Why not give up something that's actually coming between you and the relationship God really wants to have with you?

Our passage for Sunday worship this week comes from Luke, chapter 11, verses 37 through 52.  In this passage, Jesus confronts Pharisees who only seem concerned with outward appearances - not on the inward change that comes with being a follower of Yahweh.  In that spirit, with a longing for a complete life turn-around, let us pray these words by Rev. Moore:
Dear God, thank you for opening our eyes to the enemies around us, especially the enemies within.  Help us to look inside ourselves and replace our enemies with love, hope, and faith.  Show us the way to make this Lent a beginning of positive change in our lives and the lives of others.  Amen.