A Prayer for Saturday
What would Sunday be like if we all took the time to say a little prayer to prepare to receive the blessings of the Sabbath? What if we all took the time to pray today, even right now, for God to bring a revelation to us tomorrow on the Lord's day?
Let's take a little time together. Let's find out, together.
Let's take a little time together. Let's find out, together.
A Prayer for Saturday*From This Day: A Wesleyan Way of Prayer, by Laurence Hull Stookey
Prepare our hearts, O lord,
to join together with your whole congregation
to praise and serve you.
Reveal your presence to all who will gather
in adoration and self-offering.
To those who cannot for good reason
go gladly into your house,
give your strength and consolation,
that they may know of the concern
of their communities of faith.
Make us receptive to your word for us,
and enable us to know and do your will.
Bind your people together in
a shared faith, a common witness,
and compassionate service to the world;
through Jesus our Savior. Amen.*